Frequently Asked Questions
What you need to know
We are working in an industry that is forever changing, with a growing demand in drone technology there is always new developments in the safety, technology and regulation that can have an impact on how we operate. Here are some of the frequent questions:

What are the restrictions?
Our CAA permission for commercial operations (PfCO) permits us to operate all of our airframes to an altitude of 400ft and 500ms away from where the Pilot is operating from. We can fly 30m away from any building, person or people, vehicles or congested area that are not considered to be in our control. At all times the Pilot must have visual line of site of the aircraft.
What is an OSC?
Our Operating Safety Case (OSC) is an enhanced permission granted to us by the CAA so we can fly in closer proximity to any building, people, vehicle or congested area than the standard permissions issued. Making it easier to ascertain permissions for where and how we can operate.
Are we insured?
Absolutely. We have full Public Liability Insurance of unto £10,000,000 and all of our equipment is covered. We are also covered to fly with unto £50,000 of hired equipment.
Can you fly at night?
Yes, our CAA PfCO grants us permission to operate at night.
What happens if the weather forecast is bad?
Wherever possible, we’ll endeavour to postpone or reschedule free of charge if we know 24hours ahead that the weather is looking unfavourable. However if there is no option to reschedule, cancellation is required with at least 24 hours notice or we can stick to the schedule day and work with the weather on the day.
What wind speeds can we fly in?
At a maximum, 25mph on our DJI Inspire and 20mph on our Alta Airframes. However windspeed will also be monitored and judged on the day by the Pilot. These maximum windspeed will only be tolerated if the Pilot believes the location is safe enough to operate.
What happens when it rains?
We can fly in light rain, but again this will be judged by the Pilot on the day and is not advised, one because of safety and two because or rain wash on the lens. If absolutely necessary, short flights are advised in light rain and the aircraft will be grounded immediately if conditions worsen.
What permissions do you need to fly a particular location?
We will need landowners permission of the location you intend to operate at or permission from the landowners who may be beneath the intended flight path. All aviation permissions will be handled by us during the planning of the operation. It is best to have locations set at least 7 days in advance in case any notifications need to be submitted by us to operate in controlled airspace.
What cameras and lenses can you lift?
The DJI Inspire operates with an X7 camera and comes with 4 lens options 16mm / 24mm / 35mm / 50mm.
The Alta 8 Airframe can lift a variety of camera options up to a maximum weight of 6kg. Generally this is a combination of prime lenses such as the Cooke S4i’s, Arri Ultra Primes, Zeiss CP.2’s with camera bodies such as the RED Series, Arri Alexa Mini or Canon C500/C300.

How close can you fly to people?
If they are aware of our intended flight and under our control (i.e. Cast / Crew) a safe distance of 5 metres can be achieved. However this distance will be determined by the Pilot and if the location and logistics of the flight allow it to be done safely and in a controlled manner.
How long can you fly for?
With our DJI airframes, approximately 17 minutes. With our Alta 8 airframes approximately 6-10 minutes depending on the take-off mass.
How fast can you go?
Pretty darn quick! The DJI airframes will fly at up to 60mph, given the space. The Alta 8 will fly up to 35-40mph depending weight of it’s payload.
Can you fly indoors?
Given the space, yes. It may be advised to use the smaller DJI Inspire for indoor flights.
Can you fly over crowds?
No, we must maintain a safe distance from all crowds. In the instance of an open air assembly of more than 1000 people, we have to maintain a distance of 150m.