Here’s a 360° shot we did of the Liverpool Waterfront showing the 3 Graces against the city. We use 7 cameras to capture our 360° panoramas that can be used for multiple purposes. We think they’re really fun to do and give a unique experience for the viewer once stitched together on our systems – especially if you’re viewing via a VR device, like the google cardboard. The technology is so accessible now that anybody can view these images in this ‘subversive’ form, even on a tablet or phone.
The 360° camera rig can be used for still photographs in a virtual tour, for example – to transport the viewer to several static locations of their choosing. Alternatively we can capture video to throw the viewer into a completely subversive environment. Concepts and uses are being thought of all the time….have you got any ideas how you could use it?? Get in touch HERE if you would like to discuss using the 360° rig on your next project!